The Haiti Teacher Fellows Program is a funded, year-long fellowship for high school teachers during the 2021-2022 school year. This program aims to enhance teacher expertise in the history and understanding of Haiti, as well as to provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate on developing curriculum and materials about the Caribbean country. Topics may include the Haitian revolution, Haitian history and culture, the 2010 earthquake, and Haitian migration.

The program is open to teachers of all subjects and is highly recommended for History/Social Studies, Latin American Studies, French, and English Language Arts educators. Priority will be given to teachers from North Carolina and the Southeast U.S., particularly from rural areas, and/or Title 1 schools.
The Haiti Teacher Fellows Program consists of:
- Orientation Meeting
- Six Synchronous Virtual Professional Development Workshops (five required)
- Asynchronous Readings
- Submission of lesson plan and/or activity about Haiti, to be made available for other educators through the Consortium’s resource collection
- Closing/Evaluation Meeting
Fellows will receive:
- Intensive and ongoing professional development throughout the year-long program
- Access to scholars and university faculty specializing in Haitian history and cultures
- 1.0 CEU (upon completion of all program requirements)
- Stipend of $300 (upon completion of all program requirements)
- Complementary classroom resources and/or texts about Haiti