Registration – Popp-Martin Student Union, 2nd Floor Lobby
Panel 6 – Commitment/Activism Beyond the University: Non-extractive Practices with Communities in Action
Room: Student Union 200
Moderator: Jennifer Prather, Duke University
Liliana Paredes, Duke University: Reimagining Global Learning for Reciprocity and Justice
Patrick Semmler, Duke University: Collaborative Translation in Indigenous Languages
Miguel Rojas-Sotelo, Duke University: Minga all the Way: The Art of Collaboration
Roundtable 2 – Exploring Health, Climate, and Food Security in Intibucá, Honduras
Room: Student Union 261
Moderator: Rosa M. Solórzano, Duke University
Molly Fitzpatrick, Duke University
Fritzie Schimmel, Duke University
Julia Graham, Duke University
Panel 7 – Trauma, Hybridity, and Nationalism in Latin America
Room: Student Union 262
Moderator: Carlos Coria-Sánchez, UNC Charlotte
Emma Nantz, UNC Charlotte: Trauma, Hybridity and Nationalism in Latin America
Marcela Mendoza-Batista, UNC Charlotte: Representaciones de la Malinche en “La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas,” de Elena Garro
Rebecca De Luna, UNC Charlotte: Finding Paz in the Labyrinth of Solitude
Panel 8 – The Legacies of Extractivism in Latin America in the Neoliberal Era
Room: Student Union 263
Moderator: Carmen Soliz, UNC Charlotte
Brendan Lang, UNC Charlotte: Autonomy, Environment, and Economy: Public Discourses on the Bolivian Lithium Industry
Mónica Ortega Gajardo, UNC Charlotte: Petorca, Chile: The Town Left Without Water due to Avocado Plantations
Jurgen Buchenau, UNC Charlotte: The End of Guayabera Diplomacy: Mexican Oil and the Resource Curse, 1979-1982
Commentator: Greg Crider, Winthrop University
Panel 9 – Literatura, pedagogía y activismo: El extractivismo a través de tres enfoques
Room: Student Union 261
Moderator: Shelley Garrigan, North Carolina State University
Stephany Delgadillo Flores, North Carolina State University: Resistencia al olvido y a la impunidad a través del activismo: Caso Río Sonora
Bailey Dumaine, North Carolina State University: Herramientas críticas – estrategias para profundizar conexiones a temas científicos para estudiantes de las humanidades
Catherine Larsen, North Carolina State University: Poesía desde la periferia: reformar nuestras ideas de progreso
Commentator: John K. Gibson, North Carolina State University
Panel 10 – Failure in Latin American Literature and Society: Dictatorship, Trauma, and Antiheroes
Room: Mebane 169 (across the street from the Student Union)
Moderator: José Manuel Batista, UNC Charlotte
José Manuel Batista, UNC Charlotte: Alejo Carpentier’s The Lost Steps as Anti-Epic
Sid Candelario, UNC Charlotte: Using Science Fiction and Fantasy to Navigate Dictatorship in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Kate O’Brien, UNC Charlotte: La presidencia de Juan Perón: el fin de éxito económico de Argentina
Panel 11 – Intraregional Migration in the Americas: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Room: Student Union 262
Moderator: Isabella Randle, UNC Chapel Hill
Renan Marques, Duke University: Forced Migration and Its Impacts on Host Communities: Evidence for the Venezuelan Exodus to Brazil
Isabella Randle, UNC Chapel Hill: Public Goods Competition and Migrants’ Feelings of Integration: Evidence from Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia
Jorge Mancilla, UNC Chapel Hill: Internal Migration Dynamics During the Mexican “War on Drugs”
Commentator: Greg Weeks, UNC Charlotte
Outreach Workshop – Teaching with Consortium Resources: Decode a Maya Code and Create an Inka Khipu
Room: Student Union 263
Presenter: Skylar Zee, Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University
NOTE: This session is open to only those who have registered for this workshop.
Room: Student Union 200
Panel 12 – Prisons, Gamblers, and Sounds: Rethinking Freedom in Latin America
Room: Student Union 263
Moderator: Federico Dupont Bernal, Duke University
Joe Hiller, Duke University: Freedom and Care in Colombian Carceral System
Jan Koplow, Duke University: Artistic Freedom?: Sound, Extractivism, and Metal
Federico Dupont Bernal, Duke University: Sports Gambling as a Form of Financial Freedom
Panel 13 – Marginalized Subjects and National Identity in Latin America, Part 1
Room: Student Union 261
Moderator: Sharrah Lane, UNC Chapel Hill
Diana Torres, UNC Chapel Hill: Mnemo-críticos e identidades excluidas en el Estadillo Social colombiano de 2021
Diego Ávila López, Duke University: Ficciones de paz y negociaciones infructuosas: subjetividades transfronterizas mapuche en Mariluán (1862) de Alberto Blest Gana
Tanner Bourne, UNC Chapel Hill: La homoafectividad en el cine de El Santo – espacio permitido y valores persistentes en la sociedad mexicana
Panel 14 – Exploring Community-Managed Natural Coastal Resources in Mexico
Room: Student Union 262
Moderator: Candela Cerpa, Duke University and UNC Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Kroger, Duke University: Capacity Building for Reef Restoration Monitoring in Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Cozumel
Brooke Rose, Duke University and Melissa Arcila, Duke University: The Role of Forest-Based Carbon Offsetting in Climate and Community Resilience Multidisciplinary, Multi-Scalar Research with Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico
Laura Arango, North Carolina State University: Assessing Growth Dynamics of Native Pine Species in Community-Managed Forests of Santa Maria Jaltianguis, Oaxaca, Mexico
Panel 15 – Journeying, Identity, and Border Crossing in Contemporary Mexican-American Literature
Room: Mebane 169 (across the street from the Student Union)
Moderator: Maya Socolovsky, UNC Charlotte
Adriana Medina, UNC Charlotte: Thresholds of aquí, allá, ayer, hoy y mañana in McCall’s Summer of the Mariposas
Ernesto Fernandez, UNC Charlotte: Back and Forth Across the Border: Third Space and Actualizing Identity in Sandra Cisneros’ Caramelo
Maya Socolovsky, UNC Charlotte: A Journey to Mexico: Examining Place and Juvenile Identity in Matt de la Peña’s We Were Here
Commentator: David Dalton, UNC Charlotte
Panel 16 – Hip Hop Culture: Political Education, and Fostering Citizenship on the Urban Periphery of Rio de Janeiro
Room: Student Union 200
Moderator: Travis Knoll, Independent Scholar
Lucas Lopes, Duke University: Rhythm and Poetry (RAP). Political Education, and Classroom Hip Hop: Translating the Art, Thought, and the Practice of a Black Rapper on the Brazilian Periphery
John D. French, Duke University: Beats, ‘Battles,’ and RapLabs: Forms of Musical, Cultural, and Political Activism on the Periphery
Travis Williams, Duke University: Hip Hop as a Spiritual Resource for the Oppressed: The Racionais MCs, Biggie Smalls, and the Thought of Huey P. Newton
Commentator: Gladys Mitchell-Walthour, North Carolina Central University
Panel 17 – Marginalized Subjects and National Identity in Latin America, Part 2
Room: Student Union 261
Moderator: Sharrah Lane, UNC Chapel Hill
María Molano Parrado, Duke University: Writing with Light: Desert, Indigeneity, and Development in Cold War Mexican Photography
Jhosep Delgado Guerra, UNC Chapel Hill: América Latina rizomática: líneas de fuga en la fotografía de Martín Chambi
Carlos Lopez Pari, UNC Chapel Hill: Expandiendo los límites de lo poético a través de la visualidad: el caso de Artefactos (1972) de Nicanor Parra
Panel 18 – Puerto Rican Studies on the Move: Diaspora, Death and Demilitarization
Room: Student Union 262
Moderators: Elyse Veloria, Duke University and Jessica Muñiz, Duke University
Elyse Veloria, Duke University: Conch Shells, Contamination, and Coloniality in Puerto Rico
Jessica Muñiz, Duke University: The Buried Legacies of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. South
Veronica Cora-Castillo, Duke University: The Politics of Remembering: A Colonially-Shaped Education and the Cultural Identity of Arroyanos.