Latin American Gardens at the Durham Public Schools Hub Farm
In an effort to bring history and culture alive, we are supporting the creation of Latin American gardens throughout the Durham community. Our main garden can be found at the Durham Public Schools Hub Farm, a 30-acre farm, forest, and aquatic educational center in Durham, NC.
By planting several plants that are native to Mexico, Central America, and South America, we have created a diverse garden that showcases plants unique to certain countries. These gardens encourage others to learn more about the agriculture and environment of different Latin American countries. Working in teams, students plant in the garden and learn how to work in it successfully.

In September 2024 the Consortium and the Hub Farm will hold a teacher workshop with resources designed for use at the Hub Farm and in the classroom. The plants within the Latin American garden at the Hub Farm are featured.

The Latin American Garden Resources guide includes a curriculum on school gardens/Latin American food, benefits and funding opportunities for school gardens, information on Latin American vegetables, and even some example gardens.
The Latin American Gardens Book Set includes K-5 picture books about gardening and food in Latin America and is a great way to use literacy to expand student knowledge about the plants that can be found in a Latin American garden.